
Upland rice Learn more about Upland rice

  • Present situation and existing problems of upland rice production

    Present situation and existing problems of upland rice production

    Upland rice, also known as upland rice, is a type of cultivated rice with strong drought resistance, barren tolerance and suitable for direct seeding in dry land. Any soil suitable for the growth of wheat, corn and other major dry grain crops can be planted. There is no need for water layer management during the whole growth period, and the amount of irrigation is only 10% of that of rice. Upland rice is more tolerant to drought and barren than rice, and has the characteristics of water saving with less input and more output. I. the general situation of upland rice production in the world at present, there are 18 million hectares of upland rice planting area in the world. In West Africa, upland rice accounts for more than 75% of the rice farming area.

  • Introduction of Upland Rice varieties in North China

    Introduction of Upland Rice varieties in North China

    Upland rice is also called upland rice. An ecotype crop formed by the long-term domestication and evolution of rice in dry land without water layer. Planting upland rice is divided into spring sowing and summer sowing, spring sowing can be carried out from mid-April to mid-May, and mid-May is suitable. It is appropriate to sow in summer before June 15.

    2020-11-27 North upland rice variety introduction also known as upland rice.
  • Super upland rice 1

    Super upland rice 1

    Super upland rice 1 is a new super high yield upland rice variety selected by China Rice Research Institute. The planting results of Hangzhou and Hainan show that this upland rice variety has strong stress resistance, high yield, stable yield and medium rice quality, and has a wide application prospect, especially for early planting (dry season) in Hainan and South China. It is of great value of development and popularization. In this paper, the characteristics and cultivation techniques of super upland rice 1 are briefly introduced as follows: 1. characteristics of super upland rice 1. Demonstration of main agronomic characters super upland rice 1 in Hainan dry season.

  • How to grow upland rice

    How to grow upland rice

    Upland rice, also known as upland rice, is an ecotype formed by the long-term domestication and evolution of rice in dry land without water layer. Suitable for cultivation in dry land, it can also be planted in paddy fields or depressions. So, how to grow upland rice? 1. Variety production should be done through the country or province.

    2020-11-09 Upland rice how to grow upland rice also known as upland rice by rice in without
  • Cultivation techniques of Upland Rice in Heilongjiang Province

    Cultivation techniques of Upland Rice in Heilongjiang Province

    This year, Sun Baoxiang, a farmer from Heli Village, Renmin Town, Anda City, Heilongjiang Province, introduced 65 new varieties of upland rice from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing. Due to the severe drought this year, under the careful cultivation of technicians and farmers, upland rice harvested 2521kg after autumn, with an average yield of 252.1kg per mu. Although the yield of upland rice was not high in the three years of the disaster, the success of planting upland rice has opened up a new way to get rich for the development of upland rice production in the future. First, high-quality varieties to increase efficiency and growth date

  • Planting time and method of upland rice, spring sowing from April to May and summer sowing in mid-June

    Planting time and method of upland rice, spring sowing from April to May and summer sowing in mid-June

    Planting time: spring sowing is generally from mid-April to mid-May, and summer sowing is usually around June 15. Planting method: select high-quality upland rice varieties, choose the appropriate time to plant according to the local environment, apply basal fertilizer and seed fertilizer, timely topdressing during the growing period, complete seedling water and booting.

    2020-11-08 Upland rice planting time and methods spring sowing May summer sowing June
  • Weed control formula for direct seeding upland rice

    Weed control formula for direct seeding upland rice

    Upland rice refers to the selection of high-quality rice varieties with strong drought tolerance and dry direct seeding under the condition of dry field. The whole growth period is dominated by natural rainfall. In addition, planting weeding in the whole process is also the key. Here is the editor to share the herbicidal formula for direct seeding upland rice.

    2020-11-08 Direct seeding upland rice weeding formula yes in upland fields
  • Wab181 (18 upland rice)

    Wab181 (18 upland rice)

    WAB181- 18 upland rice is a new upland rice strain bred by West Africa Rice Research Institute and stable in 1997. It was distributed to relevant countries by the Upland Rice Group of the International Rice Research Institute in the spring of 1998. The international upland rice trial observation nursery set up in Xinghua Company undertook the task of trial and observation. The characteristics and main advantages of this variety are as follows: 1. Very precocious. Sow on May 9, harvest on August 14, and the growth period is 97 days. In 1999, we continued to experiment and observe, sowing on May 2 and harvesting on August 6. The whole growth period is still 97 days, which is proposed by 15 countries.

  • High quality upland rice-144 black upland rice

    High quality upland rice-144 black upland rice

    144 Black upland rice is a variety bred by crossing black rice and white rice upland rice, radiation treatment, and then directional breeding under dry farming conditions. The plant height of this variety is 100 cm, the stem is strong and tough, the leaf length is wide, lifted up, light green, and the plant type is compact. The length of the main ear is 25 cm, the average number of grains per ear is 274.2, as high as 422 grains, and the 1000-grain weight is 26,72g. The rice grain is oval, rice black, and the endosperm is all black. Black rice contains a variety of proteins and trace elements needed by the human body. It is good for the human body to eat regularly.

  • A upland rice variety with stable yield of 1000 jin-Taixuan No. 1

    A upland rice variety with stable yield of 1000 jin-Taixuan No. 1

    Upland rice Taixuan No. 1 is a new upland rice strain carefully selected from Thailand Desert No. 3 upland rice by Huang Huaihai Upland Rice Research Center of Ministry of Agriculture and Shandong Jinan Huinong seed Industry Co., Ltd. Through the test and demonstration in the demonstration bases of Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan and Anhui provinces, it is proved that the yield per mu is up to 500 kg ~ 600 kg, and the highest yield per mu can reach more than 700 kg. The whole growth period of Taixuan No. 1 is 100 ~ 120 days, the stem is stout and the tillering ability is strong.

  • Jinggang upland rice No. 1 (formerly known as 1587 rice)

    Jinggang upland rice No. 1 (formerly known as 1587 rice)

    Variety source: the characteristics of radiation mutagenesis of Brazilian upland rice (IAPAR9): this variety belongs to indica conventional upland rice. The average growth period of dry farming in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is 95.4 days, which is 14.1 days earlier than that of Brazilian upland rice. The plant height is 92.9 cm, the plant is compact, the plant leaf shape is good, the sword leaf is stiff, it is difficult to drop grain, and the color is general in the later stage. The number of effective panicles per mu is 178000 ears, ear length is 21.8cm, total grains per panicle is 128.4, seed setting rate is 77.8%, 1000-grain weight is 24.3%.

  • High-quality Upland Rice--Upland Rice in Israel

    High-quality Upland Rice--Upland Rice in Israel

    Israel upland rice is the latest upland rice variety introduced by Peony District Science Association in Heze City, Shandong Province. The rice has strong drought resistance and lodging resistance. It is a new variety with high quality and high yield. The whole growth period is about 140 days. 27 grams per thousand grains, 130--160 grains per ear, about 600 kg per mu, high yield of more than 700 kg, and save labor and time, the benefit is 2--3 times that of corn. Sowing time: North China can be sown before June 15, Northeast China before May 1. Sowing method: deep ploughing of the land to achieve leveling before sowing

  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of Upland Rice Gaoshan No.1

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of Upland Rice Gaoshan No.1

    Upland rice Gaoshan No. 1 is bred by a kind of wild upland rice growing in Dupangling area on the border of Hunan and Guangxi. The wild upland rice has strong resistance to diseases, insect pests and weeds due to its long-term growth in harsh natural environment, as well as barren and drought tolerance, and its root system is particularly developed. The variety Gaoshan No.1 is suitable for water and dry cultivation. In 2000, it was planted in Tancheng County, Shandong Province and Wencheng County, Zhejiang Province. The highest yield was 9750kg/ ha, and the average yield was 7687.5kg/ ha, which was higher than that of local hybrid rice.

  • Cultivation techniques of High quality Upland Rice

    Cultivation techniques of High quality Upland Rice

    Rice is an important food crop in China, which can be planted in every region. At present, it can also be planted in mountain areas, and the yield is also very high. What are the cultivation techniques of high-quality upland rice? 1. There are many varieties of upland rice, and the areas suitable for planting are different, so the varieties are selected.

    2020-11-08 High quality upland rice cultivation techniques rice yes our country important
  • National approved Variety-- Luodao 998

    National approved Variety-- Luodao 998

    Approval number: national examination and approval Rice 2006073 Variety name: Luodao 998 breeding Unit: Henan Luoyang Institute of Agricultural Sciences Variety Source: upland Rice 277 systematic breeding characteristics: this variety belongs to japonica conventional upland rice. The whole growth period of wheat stubble upland rice in Huang-Huai-Hai area is 108 days, which is one day earlier than that of the control upland rice 277. The plant type is compact, the tillering ability is medium, the plant height is 94.6 cm, the ear length is 18.1 cm, and the number of effective panicles per mu is 19. 5%.

  • Shandong agronomist Xu Defang bred a new variety of upland rice

    Shandong agronomist Xu Defang bred a new variety of upland rice

    In the golden autumn, a new upland rice variety carefully cultivated by Xu Defang, an agronomist in Dongying Branch of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has had a bumper harvest. It is estimated that the yield is more than double that of the current upland rice variety 297, with a yield of 600-650 kg per mu, marking a breakthrough in upland rice breeding in China. Using more than 30 ancestral materials provided by Professor Li Zichao of China Agricultural University, Xu Defang found a dwarf variant line from a high stem line 33-1, from which a number of 9 lines were selected, namely, early maturing, glutinous rice and early rice.

  • The effect of popularizing high quality upland rice "Dian 604" in Benggu Township of Xichou, Wenshan is obvious.

    The effect of popularizing high quality upland rice

    In 2007, Benggu Township of Xichou County actively "tuned" the grain planting structure and took the promotion and cultivation of high-quality upland rice "Dian 604" as an important part of agricultural technology promotion, and achieved remarkable results. In the township of Bengu, Muli and other villages, a total of 300 mu of "Yunnan 604" were popularized and planted. Compared with the local conventional upland rice varieties, the upland rice variety "Dian604" has good rice quality and taste, with an average yield of more than 300 kg, strong resistance and high yield, and the average yield per mu is more than 80 kg higher than that of the general upland rice varieties. This variety

  • Shanghai has developed the only water-saving and drought-resistant rice "standard variety" in southern rice region.

    Shanghai has developed the only water-saving and drought-resistant rice

    The Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences announced on the 16th that Shanghai agricultural scientists have bred the only upland rice regional trial control variety in the southern rice region and the first japonica upland rice variety approved by the state in the southern rice region, and built the most perfect rice drought resistance identification and evaluation system and germplasm resources platform in China. Shanghai has become the main research base for water saving and drought resistance of rice in China. According to Gu Xiaojun, vice president of the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the "Zhonghan 3" selected by scientists here is the first upland rice variety approved by the state in southern China.

  • Zhonghan 3, a famous upland rice variety

    Zhonghan 3, a famous upland rice variety

    Variety approval No.: national examination and approval Rice 2003030 crop species: Rice Variety name: Zhonghan 3 first breeding Unit: China Rice Research Institute Variety Source: CNA6187-3 systematic breeding characteristics: this variety belongs to long-grain japonica conventional upland rice variety with a growth period of 120-125days, which is 2-7 days later than Brazilian upland rice Aiba 9. The plant height is 130 cm, the plant type is compact, the growth is luxuriant, the sword leaf is straight. The stalks, leaves and husks are all naked, with exuberant growth in the early stage, dark green leaves and later.

  • Control techniques of Underground pests in Upland Rice

    Control techniques of Underground pests in Upland Rice

    In recent years, upland rice planting in Gejiu City with the application and popularization of dry cultivation and transplanting technology has become a new bright spot of rural economic growth in mountainous areas. How to do a good job in the control of underground pests is to develop upland rice production and ensure an important technical measure to increase the yield and income of upland rice. The common underground pests of upland rice are grub (larva of beetle), golden needle worm (larva of kowtow beetle), mole cricket (Oratosquilla), ground tiger (interceptor) and so on. These pests live in the soil during the harmful period, eating seeds, buds and rhizomes, resulting in lack of seedlings, broken ridges or
